World Problem Solver

By Karen Plaster
As a former runner and now a walker, my walking mentor Martha says it’s not about whether you run or walk, it’s just about moving! Exercising your mind as well as your body is where joining a training group gives you the opportunity to do both.
Because I’m a part of the training group, I look forward to the 5am wakeup call so I can get my workout done by 8. Sleep is really overrated when I can have a lively conversation with Renee, Kathy, Erica, Ilene, Cynthia, and the rest of the gals and hear our fearless leader, Renee, say STREETWALKERS START YOUR ENGINES. It’s not just about building stamina and increasing your heart rate and sweating (yes walkers do sweat)!! We catch up on the weekly happenings, check in on the latest gossip, and vent about whatever is bothering us. By the time we are done, I feel like we have accomplished a lot more than just walking.
For example, we solve many of the world and local problems and even personal ones on our longer walks. We know the NSA was listening when we figured out how to solve the world’s hunger problems so why haven’t they acted on it yet? Unfortunately, we never were able to locate the missing Malaysian Airliner. Sorry CNN, we tried. Next week, we will tackle a cure for the Ebola virus and determine if Hilary will announce her candidacy for 2016, and all that before 8am.
We don’t just think global. Sometimes we aim to solve more personal problems. Our training group is also therapeutic. Group members reach the status of Personal Counselor once they have walked 10 miles. Got a problem and want to talk about it, then join the training group. Figuring out what ails you during a one hour walk is cheaper than a session on the couch and a lot healthier than a bottle of wine.
I’m really serious about walking but after you join the training group, you’ll notice it’s all about having fun. Can’t you tell?
Karen, this is hilarious but so true. I’m thinking AWOL on Laurie so I can join you, you girls are having way too much fun without me. Lucia
This is really true, although for me is still too hard to talk while I walking. I am always trying to catch my breath as I strive to maintain speed. I am enjoying this new experience very much. We’ve got a very nice group!!!!.