Bikram Hot Yoga
I have practiced Bikram Yoga on and off for eight years and counting now and I have always referred to it as the professional yoga of our times. It is like being in the National Football League (NFL), but as a league made up of yogi’s, anyone can try it out no matter one’s age, sex, or religion and the great thing about it too, is that they are open 7 days out of the week! Even if you feel you are not in shape, under proper guidance, you can do it! All that you will need to bring to the table is desire and know that sweating is required. When you do try it out, I recommend committing to it for a solid month before you decide definitively if Bikram Yoga is right for you. The reason I advise going for at least a month is that the first few sessions may leave you with a mixed impression, but sometimes the true benefits of this practice do not precipitate until the 2nd or 3rd week of committed practice. Allow your body to adapt and recuperate from these changes, as you would with any exercise, and then decide.
I can say from firsthand experience that Bikram yoga has been truly healing, calming, and beneficial in my life. The teachers are highly professional in knowing how to safely push you to your necessary limit, so don’t become your own limiting factor by saying the “C” word (Can’t). If you live that way with yoga, you might very well be doing the same thing in your daily life. We are all manifestations of unlimited potential.
Ultimately with the human body, you must always listen to its physical limitations. Yoga is however a great way to learn not only your limits, but also the unbelievable potential you possess both physically and mentally. I have personally witnessed eighty-year-old individuals doing poses that I could only wish to be doing. I have also seen kids come out of class wanting to do a double session (2 classes in 1 day), which is very common for many. Everyone has a different journey in life, and that is something I often have to tell myself and my ego. This is my journey and if I go off this path by comparing myself to others, I know I’m likely to get injured and not learn anything from my yoga practice.
To prevent injury when you go to your first yoga class, remember to hydrate throughout the day. Hours before class, drink plenty of water and be sure to include electrolytes. My office, Beyond Wellness, carries an excellent product—Endurance—that is made without the fillers and high-fructose corn syrup so often used in sports drinks. I highly recommend it for any athlete. If it is your first time, come in early and get situated with your environment. The extra time before class will allow you to be educated by your teacher and peers and warm up by quieting your mind in the heated room. Overall, enjoy your 90-minute moving meditation and remember to breathe, relax the mind, and listen to your body.
Dr. Su