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Pitfalls and What to Avoid When Running

Whether working towards a weight loss goal, training for a specific event, or just doing it for the fun and exercise, many people do not think about what to avoid


Simple Tips for an Active Lifestyle

There’s no need to become a sports buff or to religiously go to the gym to workout in order to have an active lifestyle. Being active means being on the


An Introduction to Trail Running

While most people are comfortable and happy to just run on their streets or local roads, or even in the gym, there are some who much prefer to be out


A Running Start

As you rise from your slumber, you jolt up and out of bed and race for the restroom. After performing your daily requirements, you gear up to start running in


Summer Health & Fitness Series

The Health Series happens every third Tuesday in the Summer Months! And we’re expanding it to make it more interesting. The Summer Health Series is our way to introduce you